If your mom or dad have oily skin, it’s likely you will have inherited the trait. Oily skin can be passed on through your genes, as having larger sebaceous glands that produce excess oil is a hereditary attribute that can be handed down the family tree.
Humidity and hot weather tend to stimulate the secretion of sebum, leading to more oil on the skin. Conversely, in arid or cold climates, skin can dry out, causing oil glands to go into overdrive to compensate.
If your skin is looking shiny, the last thing you want to do is over wash your face using harsh products. Scrubbing too hard with washcloths, other abrasive tools or with coarse exfoliators will strip the skin of moisture, causing glands to overproduce oil – that’s why gentle cleansing is so important.
Oral contraceptives and hormone replacement medication can cause an increase in oil production, and acquiring oily skin is one of the possible side effects associated with taking certain kinds of steroids. Many medications can also cause dehydration that leads to a production of excess oil.
It’s important to always use skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type, are of a high quality and are labeled as either oil-free or noncomedogenic. For example, if you use a product for combination skin or dry skin when your skin type is actually oily, you can either dry out your face, causing more oil production, or use a product that is too greasy. Poor-quality cosmetics tend to be harsher, damaging the skin and making the sebaceous glands pump out more oil.
Hormonal Changes
Hormones and oily skin seem to go hand in hand. Androgens are the hormones mostly responsible for oil production, and sometimes they can fluctuate, stimulating an increase in sebum production. This often happens during puberty, just before menstruation, during pregnancy and during menopause. Stress and illness can also prompt extra hormones to be released, and with those hormones comes more oil.
Poor Diet
It may be difficult to not indulge in foods that contain sugar, refined carbohydrates and dairy. But be warned – tasty as these foods may be, consuming them too frequently may lead to overactive sebum production and the greasy sheen that accompanies it.
Prevention or Treatment?
If your oily skin is caused by diet, makeup and over washing, there are several things you can do to prevent your oily skin from reoccurring. However, outside factors we have no control over, such as hormones, genes and environment, may just as likely be the causes as well. If prevention is not an option, there are many ways you can treat oily skin, and take the next step towards attaining the complexion you desire.
(Credit: MYSA)
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